About the office

Maschefszky and Partners Law Firm was founded on 14. 07. 1998 by Dr. Etele Maschefszky, attorney. The primary goal of the Office is to support the activities of both Hungarian and foreign players of the economy by providing legal assistance of a high professional quality in Hungarian, English and German. Our governing principle is a practical and client-centred approach to legal tasks, finding effective solutions, maintaining continuous personal contact, and a quick reaction to legal problems. As a result, the Office has a wide Hungarian and foreign clientele, and maintains a relationship of several years with most of its clients.The Office is primarily engaged in professional work related to issues of civil law, economic law, commercial law, bank and finance law, company law, real estate issues, and the construction industry, provides legal representation to economic companies, enterprises, local governments, and private individuals both in and out of court, provides legal counselling, prepares documents. In addition, we have specialised and wide-ranging knowledge and professional experience in solving legal problems related to agricultural law, hunting law, as well as wildlife management and silviculture.With the cooperation of its collaborating partners, the Office can provide an accounting, auditing, tax counselling or construction expertise background on demand. The Office also collaborates with a German law office.

Dr. Etele Maschefszky

Dr. Etele Maschefszky is the founder of Maschefszky & Partners Law Office, a lawyer registered with the Budapest Bar Association and a specialist in energy law. He graduated summa cum laude from the Faculty of Law of Eötvös Loránd University in 1992. He practised as a candidate lawyer at the Law Office No. 61 in Budapest. In 1994 he passed the Uniform Bar Examination with distinction. Prior to the law examinations, he started his postgraduate studies, which resulted in a qualification in foreign trade law in 1997. He founded the Maschefszky & Partners Law Office in 1996 and is currently a senior lawyer. He is fluent in English and German at a negotiation level. In 2013 he qualified as a specialist energy lawyer.

Dr. Maschefszky Law Office conducts its activities in Hungarian and in English, primarily in the following areas of law.

Company law

- ​general counselling in company law
- foundation of companies
- framing deeds of association and documents necessary for the amendment of the articles of association
- preparation of internal rules of procedure
- preparation of documents related to the transfer of shares and partnership shares, legal counselling
- legal counselling and framing of documents related to the transformation of companies (e.g.: preparation of resolutions on approval of transformation, proceedings before competent courts of registry, proceedings before the Central Clearing House and Depository (Budapest), proceedings before the MNB (The Central Bank)
- preparation of syndicate contracts, legal counselling
- legal counselling related to the financing of companies, preparation of documents (e.g. framing loan contracts and credit agreements, the related collateral security agreements, etc.)
- legal counselling in business acquisition transactions
- legal representation in courts of registry proceedings
- legal representation in proceedings launched by the prosecutor's office as the body providing legal supervision

Law of Non-Governmental Organisations

- ​framing documents related to the foundation of associations and foundations, or to the modification of their data, legal counselling
- preparation of internal rules of procedure
- preparation and evaluation of agreements concluded with bodies of state administration

Cooperitive law

- representation of (housing) cooperatives
- preparation of the articles of the cooperative or of their amendments
- preparation and evaluation of internal regulations

Competition law

- counselling and assistance related to business acquisitions and the enlargement of a group of companies
- legal representation in competition law cases

Bank and finance law

- ​legal counselling and assistance in leasing and factoring transactions
- preparing, framing and evaluating contracts related to project financing
- preparing and evaluating loan contracts, credit agreements and related collateral security agreements
- framing and evaluating permanent lease contracts
- representation before the MNB (The Central Bank)

Public procurement law

- ​legal counselling and representation related to public procurement procedures
- preparation and evaluation of applications for tenders, representation in the tender procedure

Civil law

- ​preparation, framing and evaluation of civil law and commercial law contracts existing and in use in the Hungarian and international economy (e.g. contracts of agency, supply, lease, inland and international transportation, design, construction and implementation, travel, organisation of exhibitions, etc.)
- legal counselling related to breaches of contract, legal representation in litigation
- elaborating general terms of contract

Carriage law, transportation law

- ​preparation and evaluation of Hungarian and international individual and framework contracts of carriage and transportation
- representation in carriage and transportation law litigations
- legal counselling, preparation of contracts and representation concerning the transportation of rapidly decaying goods and special consignments

Property law

- ​preparation, framing and evaluation of agreements involving the transfer or lease of the proprietary rights of real property (e.g. sale, exchange or gift contracts, tenancy and lease agreements)
- counselling on taxes and fees related to the acquisition and transfer of real property
- legal counselling, representation and preparation of documents related to the requalification of real property
- legal counselling and preparation of document related to the acquisition of real property by foreigners
- foundation of condominiums, amendment of the articles of association
- preparation of the Statutes of Organisation and Operation
- proceedings before the competent Land Registry authority

Agricultural and hunting law

- ​​preparation and evaluation of contracts related to agriculture and silviculture
- preparation and evaluation of contracts related to hunting activities (e.g. hunting lease agreements)
- foundation of hunting societies, amendment of the articles of association
- agreements on the formation of hunting grounds, keeping the minutes of the meetings of landowner communities, conducting general meetings of landowners
- legal representation in cases of wildlife damage to agriculture, silviculture, horticulture and orchards
- counselling and representation in indemnity cases related to vehicle-game collisions
- representation in proceedings before hunting, forestry and environmental authorities

Construction law

- ​preparation of principal contracts and subcontracts on design and construction
- legal counselling regarding investments
- representation of principal contractors and subcontractors

Legal tasks related to organised travel

- ​preparation and evaluation of contracts and general terms of contract related to domestic and international travel organisation and travel agency activities
- representation in litigation and proceedings before authorities related to travel organisation
- preparing contracts, legal counselling related to the organisation of exhibitions
- preparation and evaluation of contracts related to organised hunting, representation in related litigation

Collecting claims

- ​collecting claims through legal proceedings (e.g. through attorney's collection letters, warrants for payment, litigation, liquidation and foreclosure procedures)
- preparing out-of-court settlements, framing and evaluating agreements, legal representation

Administrative law
- ​legal representation and counselling on public administration and state administration procedures
- legal representation, preparation of submissions and counselling in the course of the judicial revision of administrative decisions

Adjective law, legal representation

-​out of court representation, as well as representation before Hungarian courts of record or permanent and ad hoc courts of arbitration for legal entities, companies without legal personality, and natural persons in all cases pertaining to the sphere of activities of the Office, especially economic, civil law, and public administrative cases
- representation before authorities (e.g. proceedings before the Hungarian Competition Authority, the Public Procurement Arbitration Board, consumer protection inspectorates, labour inspectorates)

Maschefszky and Partners
Law Firm

Address: H-1114 Budapest, Bocskai út 23. I/8.
Phone.: +36 1 279 0600
E-mail: dr.maschefszky@maschefszky.hu
Office hours: 
Please call us at the numbers above to set up an appointment.